In 1987 Andreas Röthlisberger published an important monograph written by Angelo Calabrese “Pepe España — Momentos en la Vida de un Artista”. This is followed in 1995 by another with the authors María Dolores Antón Delclós, María Faroga, Irene Zweifel-Lanz, Pepe España, Francisco Manuel Jiménez España, Marimartin and Rafael Alcalá. In 2005, a basic monograph was published, again edited by Andreas Röthlisberger and written by Peter Killer, entitled “Licht und Dunkel/ Light and Darkness/ Luz y Tinieblas”, plus an important exhibition at the Hunziker Gallery in Zurich.
The last extensive monograph on Pepe España was written by Alfonso de la Torre in 2013: “Pepe España. Vuelta al Origen”. It is also Alfonso de la Torre who is curating the major exhibition at Fundación Antonio Pérez, Cuenca 2013.
Pepe España dies in 2007. The epitaph of Velázquez may also apply to him: His fame is not buried with him.